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Press Release

Turin: On the Front Line for Sustainable Mobility.

By 09/11/2023December 19th, 2023No Comments
Mobilità Sostenibile

The Lesscars Event Highlights the Importance of Innovation

ROME – Innovation in urban mobility is an increasingly growing priority for Italian cities, as highlighted by the recent “Mobilitaria2023” report and the “Lesscars” event organized by the National Observatory for Sharing Mobility on October 5th in Rome. As Italy strives to bridge the gap to reach European sustainability targets by 2030, cities like Turin are emerging as leaders in this field.

During the Lesscars event, Councilor Foglietta from Turin emphasized the importance of adopting data-driven solutions to improve urban mobility. She highlighted how collaborating with innovative platforms, like SWITCH – Street WITCHer, can provide cities with the necessary tools to make informed and strategic decisions.

The National Observatory for Sharing Mobility, a point of reference in the Italian landscape, underscored the importance of shared mobility as a key tool to achieve sustainability goals. The cooperation between local administrations and platforms like SWITCH – Street WITCHer is an example of how innovation can drive this change.

Alessandro Ciociola from SWITCH shared insights on the importance of a data-driven approach and how advanced technologies can be used to tackle the challenges of urban mobility.

In conclusion, as Italy works towards achieving sustainability goals, events like Lesscars and collaborations with innovative platforms like SWITCH – Street WITCHer highlight the determination and commitment of Italian cities in leading the change.


Press Release – National Observatory for Sharing Mobility


14:35 – 26:05 | Presentation on the positioning of Turin’s micro-mobility hub by A.Ciociola

36:25 – 44:20 | Councilor Foglietta from Turin speaking about the collaboration with SWITCH – Street WITCHer

Matteo Forte

Author Matteo Forte

Chief Executive Officer

Matteo Forte, founder and CEO of SWITCH - Street WITCHer, is an experienced tech entrepreneur and YTILI Fellow and Board Member (U.S. Department of State). He is a Global Executive MBA Candidate at H-Farm and Zagreb School of Economics and Management. Recognized in the Italian Book of Innovation published by Rizzoli, Matteo has completed an Executive Master at LUISS Business School and has extensive training in IoT and Industry 4.0.

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