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SWITCH Among the Top 10 Urban Mobility Startups Selected for OPEN ITALY 2023

By 30/05/2023December 19th, 2023No Comments
open italy 2023
[Press Release]

SWITCH – Street WITCHer Among the Top 10 Urban Mobility Startups Selected for OPEN ITALY 2023

The startup will be in Milan on May 31 to discuss mobility and smart cities, proposing technological solutions to support the achievement of the European Agenda’s sustainable development goals

SWITCH – Street WITCHer, a technology company that produces software for shared mobility, is among the 10 best innovative startups in the “Urban Intelligence & New Mobility” field selected to participate in OPEN ITALY 2023, the event that brings to Milan the best emerging realities capable of responding to the demands of large corporations in the field of sustainable development and the achievement of the European Agenda 2023’s sustainable development goals.
On May 31, at the IBM Studios in Piazza Gae Aulenti, 10, SWITCH – Street WITCHer will talk about mobility and smart cities, and how its software for managing shared mobility fleets has already begun to change the way of moving within the city. SWITCH – Street WITCHer is a software platform dedicated to both mobility companies and city administrations. With Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, it is able to analyze large amounts of data and return, through various software modules, a complete picture of the evolution and needs of shared mobility. This helps operators and administrations to make data-driven decisions. SWITCH allows reducing the costs of managing, moving, and maintaining fleets and ensuring that users (citizens) can rely on a better and more sustainable urban mobility system.

For companies, in particular, being able to take advantage of SWITCH – Street WITCHer‘s forecasts on user behavior is a huge advantage: they can thus decide to move vehicles to the right place at the right time and satisfy a larger number of customers. Moreover, these forecasts can guide management’s decisions even in case of maintenance, evaluating which actions should be given priority.

An innovative solution, capable of changing the face of shared mobility, which has already been successfully launched in the city of Turin, is about to be introduced in Rome in collaboration with WindTre and Roma Capitale, and is operational with private companies in cities such as Milan, Florence, Bari, Pescara, and Palermo.

We are building a more sustainable future where shared mobility is also economically viable, something that is not taken for granted at the moment. With SWITCH, operators can significantly reduce costs and increase revenues. This will accelerate the transition to lighter, electric, and shared urban mobility. At the same time, we are providing cities with advanced tools to manage and interpret the large amounts of data already in their possession. This data-driven approach – Comments Matteo Forte, CEO of SWITCHwill allow administrations to better respond to the epochal challenges they face and to make more informed decisions that best serve citizens. The opportunity to present SWITCH – Street WITCHer at OPEN ITALY is exciting. It represents a potential source of new business opportunities and allows us to demonstrate how our technology can guide the transformation of urban mobility.

Matteo Forte

Author Matteo Forte

Chief Executive Officer

Matteo Forte, founder and CEO of SWITCH - Street WITCHer, is an experienced tech entrepreneur and YTILI Fellow and Board Member (U.S. Department of State). He is a Global Executive MBA Candidate at H-Farm and Zagreb School of Economics and Management. Recognized in the Italian Book of Innovation published by Rizzoli, Matteo has completed an Executive Master at LUISS Business School and has extensive training in IoT and Industry 4.0.

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